Thursday, April 8, 2010 @ 12:52 AM
Heyy blog! I LOVE YOU :)
Your pretty much the only person i wove. I hate most of my friends at school. I'm becoming so emo and i used to be anti-emo. My life is so screw drivered. You wouldnt believe what one of my " so called friends " said to me. Plus, I feel damn guilty, while i'm here sulking about life, some little child in Africa could be starving to death. Today, 8th April and yesterday 7th April. SUCKED. Yknw i thought maybe i found an awesome friend, in school. But now i think she's talking bad behind my back to HER bester friend. UH. Sometimes i feel like i wont miss anyone from my school. Never had a " moment " with any. I feel fake. But fakeness IS the real me :( I miss my old classes, old friends, think i'll start hanging with them more. I always felt good about myself with them. Ahh.. Upper primary sucks. Lower rocks. My closest friends at school could probably be p1s
=.= so lame. Oh yea... Lame... Thats what i am. LAME + BORING = shirin. God this is emo. Come to think of it, i have awesome friends. From different levels .. This is colourful, I LIKE IT. And i miss people :( SO MUCH. And i realise now that i REAALLLY <3>