Within Reach♥


Thursday, September 17, 2009 @ 8:34 PM

I HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO TAG AND DO BLOG STUFF:( I'm sick of asking other people to help me.. But i really appreciate it Shari! I wanna learn to do it myself so i don't have to bother other people. *Calling all people who can help me*!!!!!!! I haven't been posting much.. But i'll try now. K. So, Yesterday, the 17 sep. I was walking down the stage when my friend called me. "Shirin. shirin" So i went over. She asked if she's still my best friend. I said yeah. She said someone told her she's not. But actually i dunno if we're best friends. Sometiemes we don't really hang out together but soemtmes we do and have a blast! So i would say she's my clsoe friend. Should i tell her that? Or...?