Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 9:14 PM
This is a story...Ghost story that Kelsy told me, but i changed it a bit cos i cant remember EVERYTHING she said:
There was once a girl named Sara. Her dog loved to sleep under her bed. One night, Sara went to sleep, but then she heard the tap, "Drip,drip,drip". She was about to get up, to turn the tap off, but her dog licked her hand. She felt safe with him so she went back to sleep. After a while, "Drip,drip,drip", it was the tap. Again Sara wanted to go switch it off, but her dog licked her hand and she felt safe. Sara got up, she needed to go to the toilet. Her dog did not lick her hand, "He must be asleep", at least that's what she
thought. She went to the toilet and got the shock of her life. Her poor dog's head was cut off and was in the toilet bowl. On the it said, IN BLOOD,
"Humans can lick too!!!"
************************The End**********************
It's more scary when you say it in real life!
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 9:14 PM
This is a story...Ghost story that Kelsy told me, but i changed it a bit cos i cant remember EVERYTHING she said:
There was once a girl named Sara. Her dog loved to sleep under her bed. One night, Sara went to sleep, but then she heard the tap, "Drip,drip,drip". She was about to get up, to turn the tap off, but her dog licked her hand. She felt safe with him so she went back to sleep. After a while, "Drip,drip,drip", it was the tap. Again Sara wanted to go switch it off, but her dog licked her hand and she felt safe. Sara got up, she needed to go to the toilet. Her dog did not lick her hand, "He must be asleep", at least that's what she
thought. She went to the toilet and got the shock of her life. Her poor dog's head was cut off and was in the toilet bowl. On the it said, IN BLOOD,
"Humans can lick too!!!"
************************The End**********************
It's more scary when you say it in real life!
Yours Truly ,

I go ooh-la-la, &, i'm a natural performer [hearts it].
I'm really nice if you guys dunno (:
I love my friends (L)
haaaaa, just random.