Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 6:14 AM
Michelles Posting!
SPAMMERS:Look, you are NOT welcomed here.
For once, get a hobby or maybe a life!
Spamming isnt gonna
GAIN you anything.
So, shut up and put your foot where your mouth is.
Pearlyn Chan, Stop spamming! I know you are spammer.
Why do you wanna pick a fight over the bloody internet?
If you were that brave, you would have confronted her to her face right?
COWARD.Get A Life.
Anyway, next time, you wanna spam, dont. Confront shirin in her face.
Its no use spamming cause we all gonna gang up against you and secondly, youre gonna be figured out anyway.
Pearlyn Chan, Theres no where to hide sweetie, now shut up.
xoxo, Michelle
Next time, used your damn name, fool.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 6:14 AM
Michelles Posting!
SPAMMERS:Look, you are NOT welcomed here.
For once, get a hobby or maybe a life!
Spamming isnt gonna
GAIN you anything.
So, shut up and put your foot where your mouth is.
Pearlyn Chan, Stop spamming! I know you are spammer.
Why do you wanna pick a fight over the bloody internet?
If you were that brave, you would have confronted her to her face right?
COWARD.Get A Life.
Anyway, next time, you wanna spam, dont. Confront shirin in her face.
Its no use spamming cause we all gonna gang up against you and secondly, youre gonna be figured out anyway.
Pearlyn Chan, Theres no where to hide sweetie, now shut up.
xoxo, Michelle
Next time, used your damn name, fool.
Yours Truly ,

I go ooh-la-la, &, i'm a natural performer [hearts it].
I'm really nice if you guys dunno (:
I love my friends (L)
haaaaa, just random.