Friday, January 29, 2010 @ 1:33 AM
i have no ideaa..
I am so messed up! So many friggin' friend problems. I know i look like i'm ok on the outside, but like i said before, I'm confused. Other than that i think i'm fine. Just that i aint liking indians. Well.. MOST. Here's the problem they either
- Proud and snobby
- Childish and immature
- Act cool
- Just plain mean
/")> -----> dont this look like a birdie? (: i have really changed, i admit. More original and brave. I try ta be friendlier.. Inspired by my awesome friend. Thought my friend was using me. Got so mad at her!!! Then cooled down and forgot about it. She must've had a good reason right? One thing seriously need to do: LOSE WEIGHT!!!
I winder if anyone's interested in being my trainer? Pweety pwease?
Friday, January 29, 2010 @ 1:33 AM
i have no ideaa..
I am so messed up! So many friggin' friend problems. I know i look like i'm ok on the outside, but like i said before, I'm confused. Other than that i think i'm fine. Just that i aint liking indians. Well.. MOST. Here's the problem they either
- Proud and snobby
- Childish and immature
- Act cool
- Just plain mean
/")> -----> dont this look like a birdie? (: i have really changed, i admit. More original and brave. I try ta be friendlier.. Inspired by my awesome friend. Thought my friend was using me. Got so mad at her!!! Then cooled down and forgot about it. She must've had a good reason right? One thing seriously need to do: LOSE WEIGHT!!!
I winder if anyone's interested in being my trainer? Pweety pwease?
Yours Truly ,

I go ooh-la-la, &, i'm a natural performer [hearts it].
I'm really nice if you guys dunno (:
I love my friends (L)
haaaaa, just random.