Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 11:16 PM
Okayy.. so i almost cried while listenng to my NARNIA songs .... :( I HAVE TO GET A LIFE.
And i want you in it :) Hahah. What does that mean? *shrugs*
BooozHoooz. Gawd :( I AM A LONER. At least i wanna be! Are loners weird? There just tired of trying to make convos aint it! X0
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 1:49 AM
1. Eat a cooked egg with the yolk. Yolk is known to help increase brain and memorization productivity.2. Sit with both feet flat on the ground. Although this may seem really simple, 90 percent of people sit with their legs crossed, or one foot slightly/fully off the ground the majority of the time. Sitting with both feet flat on the ground helps blood flow to the brain, and it is also less distracting.3. When you are reading, use your finger to guide your eyes. The faster you move your finger, the faster your eyes move. Even though it may seem like you're skipping words fast, your brain puts together the missing words. Humans are logical. Not only does using a finger increase your reading speed by 300% +, but it also helps keep people focused. Most students tend to doze off in the middle of reading, but using a finger will help keep you focused.
@ 1:18 AM
Awwww.... i feel bad :)
This guy selling cupcakes came to mt house.
Cupcakedude: Hello. How are you girl? How are you boy? Goood Goood? * SMILES LIKE SIAO *
Shirin: Errr.. yeaa.. Hello. My parents are not i...
Papa: What is it?
FRICK. My secret's out :O
Then they talk talk and we end up having bought a box of choco cuppie cakies. Not half bad. Awww... poor cupcake man :( He was lied to!
Feel emo nowsadays. I wanna go recess alone, or library, but .. I dunno.. Working on a book. Might ACTUALLY finish it. BuyBuy Cuppiecakes.
Saturday, May 8, 2010 @ 10:19 PM
Change name
Blogs are sho yesterday, but its still today fer me.
Dunno why, i just like. My friend, Gioann, calls me ShiMama!!! :)
Best nickname yet! HAHAHA. All my friend's blogs are gone gone :O
Dunno where liao! Btw, dont ever get a bestfriend until your much much older. Make sure your bf isnt childish, lest you LIKE childish-ie people
Friday, May 7, 2010 @ 1:34 AM
Heyy babayee :)
OK OK OK! I seriously "Hyperventilated" on.... TUESDAYYY!
Ohhh gawdd!!! MUAHAHA. Btw, oral was fun :o OhhhEmmmGayyee!
_PeAcE oUt_
Life's okay. "Xcept that i'm DUMBB. Esp. maths, science. :(
Monday, May 3, 2010 @ 5:08 AM
My phone went beserk, dont want to on! Lost al my sweet sweet msgs!!! :( DIE LORHHH! :(
@ 2:22 AM
RetarTed postt
JoJo loves to spend time with BoBo, so much that she gives up going out with her friends to watch KoKo poop to talk to BoBo. BoBo does know how much JoJo loves to talk to him, to BoBo, she's just another human. One day, Eeeep goes up to BoBo and tells him that JoJo loves talking to him. BoBo is SPEEEEE-CHEEE-LESSS :O
JoJo and BoBo used to talk all day, but after that, BoBo doesnt reply to her calls and JoJo now thinks that she doesnt REALLY like to talk to BoBo. "He IS lame," she thinks to herself...
or maybe not..
JoJo cant make up her mind!!!!! :(
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 11:16 PM
Okayy.. so i almost cried while listenng to my NARNIA songs .... :( I HAVE TO GET A LIFE.
And i want you in it :) Hahah. What does that mean? *shrugs*
BooozHoooz. Gawd :( I AM A LONER. At least i wanna be! Are loners weird? There just tired of trying to make convos aint it! X0
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 1:49 AM
1. Eat a cooked egg with the yolk. Yolk is known to help increase brain and memorization productivity.2. Sit with both feet flat on the ground. Although this may seem really simple, 90 percent of people sit with their legs crossed, or one foot slightly/fully off the ground the majority of the time. Sitting with both feet flat on the ground helps blood flow to the brain, and it is also less distracting.3. When you are reading, use your finger to guide your eyes. The faster you move your finger, the faster your eyes move. Even though it may seem like you're skipping words fast, your brain puts together the missing words. Humans are logical. Not only does using a finger increase your reading speed by 300% +, but it also helps keep people focused. Most students tend to doze off in the middle of reading, but using a finger will help keep you focused.
@ 1:18 AM
Awwww.... i feel bad :)
This guy selling cupcakes came to mt house.
Cupcakedude: Hello. How are you girl? How are you boy? Goood Goood? * SMILES LIKE SIAO *
Shirin: Errr.. yeaa.. Hello. My parents are not i...
Papa: What is it?
FRICK. My secret's out :O
Then they talk talk and we end up having bought a box of choco cuppie cakies. Not half bad. Awww... poor cupcake man :( He was lied to!
Feel emo nowsadays. I wanna go recess alone, or library, but .. I dunno.. Working on a book. Might ACTUALLY finish it. BuyBuy Cuppiecakes.
Saturday, May 8, 2010 @ 10:19 PM
Change name
Blogs are sho yesterday, but its still today fer me.
Dunno why, i just like. My friend, Gioann, calls me ShiMama!!! :)
Best nickname yet! HAHAHA. All my friend's blogs are gone gone :O
Dunno where liao! Btw, dont ever get a bestfriend until your much much older. Make sure your bf isnt childish, lest you LIKE childish-ie people
Friday, May 7, 2010 @ 1:34 AM
Heyy babayee :)
OK OK OK! I seriously "Hyperventilated" on.... TUESDAYYY!
Ohhh gawdd!!! MUAHAHA. Btw, oral was fun :o OhhhEmmmGayyee!
_PeAcE oUt_
Life's okay. "Xcept that i'm DUMBB. Esp. maths, science. :(
Monday, May 3, 2010 @ 5:08 AM
My phone went beserk, dont want to on! Lost al my sweet sweet msgs!!! :( DIE LORHHH! :(
@ 2:22 AM
RetarTed postt
JoJo loves to spend time with BoBo, so much that she gives up going out with her friends to watch KoKo poop to talk to BoBo. BoBo does know how much JoJo loves to talk to him, to BoBo, she's just another human. One day, Eeeep goes up to BoBo and tells him that JoJo loves talking to him. BoBo is SPEEEEE-CHEEE-LESSS :O
JoJo and BoBo used to talk all day, but after that, BoBo doesnt reply to her calls and JoJo now thinks that she doesnt REALLY like to talk to BoBo. "He IS lame," she thinks to herself...
or maybe not..
JoJo cant make up her mind!!!!! :(
Yours Truly ,

I go ooh-la-la, &, i'm a natural performer [hearts it].
I'm really nice if you guys dunno (:
I love my friends (L)
haaaaa, just random.