Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 8:58 PM
My musical ended. Cried like shit yesterday. Surprisingly, i was the only one. I'm especially gonna miss this one person cos of alotta reasons. I really wish i could write this down, but... Yea i just dont wanna. Tooooo sad to post stufff. DEPRESSED.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 @ 7:19 AM
Woke up at 8.30. I've been going for this camp organized by my aunt. Enjoyable, enjoyable. I feel so random and exagerative! Going out with my "T" buds. Tara and Tiffany. I MISSSS PEOPLE!!! So you know i'm in Narnia right..? Wait.. who am i actually talking to..? Ah nvm. So I have rediscovered my love for acting. I'm not a lead in the musical. Just *Crying* UNDERSTUDY! So sad:( I'm very weird. WEIRDO! Calling myself ShiShi and Yurin sometimes. Werird. OH. People are very nice now! Like they say I'm good at acting and singing (Which is all bull-poo) I suck!!!I cant sing high, I'm veli stiffff. I'm hoping that i'm gonna change. I've made some awesome frens. Here they are:
-Hazel(14, but surprisingly short) CHINESE
-Zul(13) Malay
-Alysha(8) Indian..?
These are just some of the awesome people. I dunno why I'm putting their names up, its not like ya'll know them.
Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 8:58 PM
My musical ended. Cried like shit yesterday. Surprisingly, i was the only one. I'm especially gonna miss this one person cos of alotta reasons. I really wish i could write this down, but... Yea i just dont wanna. Tooooo sad to post stufff. DEPRESSED.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 @ 7:19 AM
Woke up at 8.30. I've been going for this camp organized by my aunt. Enjoyable, enjoyable. I feel so random and exagerative! Going out with my "T" buds. Tara and Tiffany. I MISSSS PEOPLE!!! So you know i'm in Narnia right..? Wait.. who am i actually talking to..? Ah nvm. So I have rediscovered my love for acting. I'm not a lead in the musical. Just *Crying* UNDERSTUDY! So sad:( I'm very weird. WEIRDO! Calling myself ShiShi and Yurin sometimes. Werird. OH. People are very nice now! Like they say I'm good at acting and singing (Which is all bull-poo) I suck!!!I cant sing high, I'm veli stiffff. I'm hoping that i'm gonna change. I've made some awesome frens. Here they are:
-Hazel(14, but surprisingly short) CHINESE
-Zul(13) Malay
-Alysha(8) Indian..?
These are just some of the awesome people. I dunno why I'm putting their names up, its not like ya'll know them.
Yours Truly ,

I go ooh-la-la, &, i'm a natural performer [hearts it].
I'm really nice if you guys dunno (:
I love my friends (L)
haaaaa, just random.