Thursday, September 17, 2009 @ 8:34 PM
I HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO TAG AND DO BLOG STUFF:( I'm sick of asking other people to help me.. But i really appreciate it Shari! I wanna learn to do it myself so i don't have to bother other people. *Calling all people who can help me*!!!!!!! I haven't been posting much.. But i'll try now. K. So, Yesterday, the 17 sep. I was walking down the stage when my friend called me. "Shirin. shirin" So i went over. She asked if she's still my best friend. I said yeah. She said someone told her she's not. But actually i dunno if we're best friends. Sometiemes we don't really hang out together but soemtmes we do and have a blast! So i would say she's my clsoe friend. Should i tell her that? Or...?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 3:14 AM
Long time no see...
The day finally arrived..The wost day of my life! Well, at least that is what i thought. I was nervous. More nervous than EVER! My hands were shaking and my palms were sweating as i watched the other victims get tortured. Soon, very soon it would be my turn. What would it be like? Will i cry? Will i back-out suddenly? Thoughts were racing through my mind. The others said it wasn't that bad, but i knew they just didn't wanna scare me. I wasn't the only one trembling with fear, my fellow classmate and friend Rachel, was just like me. Asking everyone, "How was it??", over and over again. I sat on the chair. I wanted i wanted to dash outta' there, but i didn't wanna look like a scaredy-cat. The needle was coming closer and closer and CLOSER AND...i was injected. I relaxed, relieved. OVERWHELMED that i got over with it. But then, to my dismay, we primary 5's , heroes as i like to call us, had to go through yet ANOTHER brutal injection. Rumor has it, THE SECOND ONE HURTS MORE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What???!! It can't be true right? But it was, more true than i was scared! First we swollow some bitter medicine..Then, IT WAS TIME... My freind Rachel tried to calm me down, "Look at me Shirin!! LOOK AT ME!" I looked, then the lady stabbed me!!!! Ouch! Painful, but fast, like peeling off a bandage! BUT WORSE!!!
All in all it was one of the best days of my life!! No, no, no, Shirin has not gone crazy. The expirience of being soooooooo terrified then sooooooo relieved is AMAZING! If any p4s' read this, do not be alarmed, i am just being a drama-queen so you can kinnda feel how i feel. I LOVE INJECTION......?
Thursday, September 17, 2009 @ 8:34 PM
I HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO TAG AND DO BLOG STUFF:( I'm sick of asking other people to help me.. But i really appreciate it Shari! I wanna learn to do it myself so i don't have to bother other people. *Calling all people who can help me*!!!!!!! I haven't been posting much.. But i'll try now. K. So, Yesterday, the 17 sep. I was walking down the stage when my friend called me. "Shirin. shirin" So i went over. She asked if she's still my best friend. I said yeah. She said someone told her she's not. But actually i dunno if we're best friends. Sometiemes we don't really hang out together but soemtmes we do and have a blast! So i would say she's my clsoe friend. Should i tell her that? Or...?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 3:14 AM
Long time no see...
The day finally arrived..The wost day of my life! Well, at least that is what i thought. I was nervous. More nervous than EVER! My hands were shaking and my palms were sweating as i watched the other victims get tortured. Soon, very soon it would be my turn. What would it be like? Will i cry? Will i back-out suddenly? Thoughts were racing through my mind. The others said it wasn't that bad, but i knew they just didn't wanna scare me. I wasn't the only one trembling with fear, my fellow classmate and friend Rachel, was just like me. Asking everyone, "How was it??", over and over again. I sat on the chair. I wanted i wanted to dash outta' there, but i didn't wanna look like a scaredy-cat. The needle was coming closer and closer and CLOSER AND...i was injected. I relaxed, relieved. OVERWHELMED that i got over with it. But then, to my dismay, we primary 5's , heroes as i like to call us, had to go through yet ANOTHER brutal injection. Rumor has it, THE SECOND ONE HURTS MORE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What???!! It can't be true right? But it was, more true than i was scared! First we swollow some bitter medicine..Then, IT WAS TIME... My freind Rachel tried to calm me down, "Look at me Shirin!! LOOK AT ME!" I looked, then the lady stabbed me!!!! Ouch! Painful, but fast, like peeling off a bandage! BUT WORSE!!!
All in all it was one of the best days of my life!! No, no, no, Shirin has not gone crazy. The expirience of being soooooooo terrified then sooooooo relieved is AMAZING! If any p4s' read this, do not be alarmed, i am just being a drama-queen so you can kinnda feel how i feel. I LOVE INJECTION......?