Within Reach♥


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 @ 12:23 AM

Four days of no school, think i'd be having fun but no. Stuck at home. This friday i'm going to SOTA :| Exciting, yet freakin` terrified. Well at least Olivia said she'd wheel me around. I'm so grateful towards her :') She really came through for me and i might be depriving her of making new friends cos` she has to 'look after' me. I really have to get her something. School yesterday, fun-ish.. We had a picnic. Not to sound boastful, but i was the only one in my group who brought healthy and edible stuff. Haha. No, they does sound boastful. You know i'm always so afriad of what other people think of me, i still dont know who i am. Well i guess i'll find out soon. Also gonna find out if what always happens in TV shows are real. Fat kids have no friends. Is it true? I have a couple of friends in Kellock.. :) But maybe it'll be different in SOTA. I dont want to become a snob taking things for granted or anything. Ugh. OH. I'm supposed to get braces but becos of the show i have to post pone. So many horrible yet awful things are happening.. :| Looking forward to the sleepover :) Finally, a girls night out, finally, OUT OF MY STINKIN' HOUSE. Finally, socialising-ness. Ugh. Feel wet :C

Friday, October 15, 2010 @ 7:58 PM

Bleh.. Still dunno how to tag people :(
I'm scared of sota. :( I'm fat, difficult to fit in. God. What to do what to do. The school is so expensive. Bleh.
I miss my old life. Even though i dont really know what my old life was. :( HUNGER GAMES <3
Okay this was stupeeed. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 @ 3:38 AM

Hey :)
So Dream School is coming in November 2. And i can finally limp-walk. Cant go for school outings or bazaar. Should i be happy? Pissed? I have no idea. I'm definitely growing apart from alot of my friends. Just rotting away at home. Like some useless vegetable. I should be so happy that PSLE has ended, but i miss going to school and studying. Now, there's just nothing to do. I cant even go out with friends. That was what I'd been looking for, that was why I endured the stress. And now, i've done it for nothing.
Well, guess i can finally stat losing weight this coming holidays? :)
Who am i kidding...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 @ 12:24 AM

Hey people :) Finaally got my password from my lovely wife, mrs. pearlynn! MUACKS BABE! :DD
The TV show i'm in is coming out in November! PLEASE watch :)
Went go kart racing. AWESHOMMMMME <3
:| I love my people :|

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 11:16 PM

Okayy.. so i almost cried while listenng to my NARNIA songs .... :( I HAVE TO GET A LIFE.
And i want you in it :) Hahah. What does that mean? *shrugs*
BooozHoooz. Gawd :( I AM A LONER. At least i wanna be! Are loners weird? There just tired of trying to make convos aint it! X0

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 1:49 AM


1. Eat a cooked egg with the yolk. Yolk is known to help increase brain and memorization productivity.

2. Sit with both feet flat on the ground. Although this may seem really simple, 90 percent of people sit with their legs crossed, or one foot slightly/fully off the ground the majority of the time. Sitting with both feet flat on the ground helps blood flow to the brain, and it is also less distracting.

3. When you are reading, use your finger to guide your eyes. The faster you move your finger, the faster your eyes move. Even though it may seem like you're skipping words fast, your brain puts together the missing words. Humans are logical. Not only does using a finger increase your reading speed by 300% +, but it also helps keep people focused. Most students tend to doze off in the middle of reading, but using a finger will help keep you focused.

@ 1:18 AM

Awwww.... i feel bad :)
This guy selling cupcakes came to mt house.
Cupcakedude: Hello. How are you girl? How are you boy? Goood Goood? * SMILES LIKE SIAO *

Shirin: Errr.. yeaa.. Hello. My parents are not i...

Papa: What is it?

FRICK. My secret's out :O

Then they talk talk and we end up having bought a box of choco cuppie cakies. Not half bad. Awww... poor cupcake man :( He was lied to!

Feel emo nowsadays. I wanna go recess alone, or library, but .. I dunno.. Working on a book. Might ACTUALLY finish it. BuyBuy Cuppiecakes.